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طب و علوم...صحة و جمال..رجيم و رشاقة

الأحد، 5 يونيو 2011


Ear staples are a form of a thousands of year old art known as acupuncture.
Ear staples are something I have never tried but I did try acupuncture a few years ago just so I could say that I had experienced it. I really had no reason for going at that time (pain, etc.) so I just told the practitioner to give me what she thought best. She gave me what she called a “tune-up”. I must admit – I felt something. It felt like energy shooting through my body. I have never tried acupuncture again but know some people who swear by it for pain relief.
Lately I have been seeing reports of something new, (to me at least) ear staples for weight loss. A tiny metal ear staple is placed upon and acupuncture point inside the ear. The acupuncture point is the one some refer to as the stomach point. Like anything else in the weight loss world, acupuncture ear staples weight loss is controversial. You have believers and you have skeptics. Acupuncture staples have also been used for addictions such as smoking, and drugs.
I wish that I could supply you with an answer as to whether acupuncture ear staples will work for you and help you lose weight. The jury is out on this one and I have to admit I am kind of leaning toward skeptic. Some people may choose to try it if their local acupuncturist does it inexpensively and cleanly. If any of you try acupuncture ear staples please send in your experience. Our readers would love to hear about it.

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