اهلا و سهلا

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
اهلا بكم اصدقائى الاعزاء .....اسعدنى تشريفكم لى و ارجو ان تجدوا كل ما يفيد
طب و علوم...صحة و جمال..رجيم و رشاقة

الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2011

cranial nerves examination

Eye: History, Examination
  1. History
  2. Inspection
  3. Visual acuity
  4. Visual fields
  5. Ophthalmoscopic (fundi)
  6. Pupils
  7. Corneal reflections
  8. Eye movements
  9. Corneal reflex
  • Presenting complaint:
    • Onset: gradual vs. sudden vs. asymptomatic.
    • Duration: brief vs. continuous.
    • Location: focal vs. diffuse, unilateral vs. bilateral.
  • Eye Hx: squint, amblyopia, glasses, glaucoma.
  • Family Hx: squint, lazy eye, glasses, glaucoma, cataract (young person).
  • Past medical Hx: especially vascular (diabetes, hypertension).
  • Medications: current meds, Hx of drugs affecting eye.
    • Is pt on or been on eye drops.
  • Social Hx: relevant post-op (to put eye drops in).
In all, looking for asymmetry, deformities, discoloration, redness, discharge, lesions.
  • Diagnostic facies.
  • Orbit, rim: palpate for lumps.
  • Brow: lost sweating (Horner's).
  • Eyelids: xanthelasma, ectropian, entropian.
  • Eyelids: pus on lids (blepharitis).
  • Ptosis.
  • Exophthalmos.
  • Iris: colour, defects.
  • Cornea: transparent vs. opaque, corneal arcus, band keratopthy, Kayser-Fleischer rings, lesion, scars.
  • Ask the patient to look up and pull down both lower eyelids to inspect the conjuntiva and sclera.
    • Conjunctiva: clear/infected. If conjuntivitis, wash hands immediately: viral form contagious.
    • Sclera: jaundice, pallor, injection.
  • Spread each eye open with Dr's thumb, index finger. Ask pt to look to each side and downward to expose entire bulbar surface.
    • Eyeball tenderness.
Visual acuity
If  eye pain, injury, visual loss, check visual acuity before rest of the exam or inserting medications into eyes [so don't get sued].
  • Let pt to use glasses, contacts if available.
  • Put pt 20 feet from Snellen eye chart, or hold Rosenbaum pocket card 14 inches away.
  • Pt. covers an eye at a time with a card, reading smaller letters till stop.
  • Record smallest line read, eg 20/40.
Visual fields
  • Stand 2 feet in front of pt, who looks in Dr's eyes at eye-level.
  • Dr's hands to side half way between Dr and pt, wiggle fingers, ask which they see move.
  • Repeat 2-3 to test both temporal fields.
  • If suspect abnormality, test 4 quadrants of each eye while card covers other.
Ophthalmoscopic (fundi)
  • Darken room, adjust scope so light is no brighter than necessary.
  • Adjust aperture to a plain white circle.
  • Set diopter dial to zero, unless have a preferred setting.
  • Dr. uses left hand and left eye to examine the patient's left eye.
  • Dr's free hand onto the pt's shoulder or forehead for control.
  • Tell pt to stare at wall.
  • Look through scope, shine light into pt's eye from 2 feet away at a 45º angle.
  • See the retina as a "red reflex.". Reflex: clear vs. opaque (cataract). Follow red color to move within a few inches from pt's eye.
  • Adjust diopter dial to bring the retina into focus. Find a blood vessel and follow it to the optic disk, use this as a point of reference.
  • Inspect optic disk:
    • Colour of disc: pink vs. pale.
    • Margins clear.
    • State of cup.
  • Inspect vessels: all 4 quadrants, veins are darker than arteries:
    • Bleeding, exudate.
    • Pigmentation, occlusion.
  • Inspect macula, by moving the scope nasally:
    • Foveal light reflex
    • Bleeding, exudate.
    • Edema, drusen.
  • Shape, relative size.
  • Light reaction: dim lights if needed.
    • Pt looks in distance, shine light in from side to gauge pupil's light reaction. Record size, irregularity.
    • Assess both direct (same eye) and consensual (other eye) responses.
  • Assess afferent pupillary defect by moving light in arc from pupil to pupil, and if L eye light makes R eye dilate, not constrict (Marcus Gunne). Optionally: as do arc test, have pt place a flat hand extending vertically from his face, between his eyes, to act as a blinder so light can only go into one eye at a time. 
  • Accommodation: pt alternates between looking into distance, and a hat pin 30cm from nose.
Corneal reflections
  • Shine a light from directly in front of the pt.
  • Corneal reflections should be centered over pupils.
  • Assess asymmetry (extraocular muscle pathology).
Eye movements
  • "Follow finger with eyes without moving head": test the 6 cardinal points in an H pattern. Assess:
    • Failure of movement.
    • Nystagmus [pause to check it during upward, lateral gaze]).
  • Convergence by moving finger towards bridge of pt's nose.
  • Gaze palsies (supranuclear lesions).
  • Fatiguability (myasthenia).
Corneal reflex
  • Corneal reflex: patient looks up and away.
  • Touch cotton wool to other side.
  • Look for blink in both eyes, ask if can sense it.
  • Repeat other side. [Tests V sensory, VII motor].

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